
How To Hide The Button Control In Classic Asp

button in

Introduction to Push in ASP.Net

Button in ASP .Net is the basic controls in ASP .NET. Usually, this is used to display a normal button. This push button may be a submitted push or maybe a command button. Past default, its control is a submit button. It provides 3 basic push controls. This type of control is basically used to perform events. It will submit the customer request to the server.

Below are the 3 buttons provided in ASP.Internet:

  • Push button: This volition display text inside the rectangular area.
  • Link Push button: This will display text which has a hyperlink
  • Image push button: This button volition display an paradigm.

When the user clicks a item button, two events are raised one is Click and another one is Command. To create a button, we tin can either write code or we can use the drag and drop facility available in the visual studio IDE.


Permit's have a look at its basic syntax for the button.

i. Push button Control

button in - 1

ii. Hyperlink Push

button in - 2

3. Prototype Button

button in - 3

How does Button work in ASP.Net?

Let's run across how the button works in ASP.Cyberspace.

  • When nosotros drag and drib the button control from the toolbox. On the button, we run across the text which is the standard button which appears to be a push-button.
  • By changing its text property of button control we change its text on the push. Like nosotros desire the push button to appear every bit a "submit". so we change its text to submit.
  • As soon as we click the button an consequence handler gets generated.
  • Now suppose we need to write a bulletin in response to clicking the button. Nosotros will write inside the issue handler by using Response.write("button clicked").
  • Every bit nosotros click this submit button message will appear which we pass in Response.Write.

Let's see how the hyperlink works at present. It has its control properties namely ImageUrl, NavigateUrl, Text, and Target. Basically it volition use one of these properties for setting a hyperlink on the spider web page which will redirect to its destination. The destination might be an paradigm or merely text or it can be both on the other page.

  • If nosotros want to navigate on the other page or on the section of the same page hyperlink control is used.
  • Its primary and important belongings is NavigateUrl
  • NavigateUrl property stores the accost of the destination spider web folio.
  • net Hyperlink Control is used to navigate the user to another page in the via its NavigateUrl property.
  • When the user clicks on the given hyperlink it will directly get redirected to its target page.
  • We tin fix both the properties that are ImageUrl equally well as Text. If the epitome is not available, then it will search for the text to brandish.
  • If we set an image path to the ImageUrl property, it will display the prototype we want in our web page application

Examples to Implement Button in Asp.Net

Permit'south meet with an example of the "submit" push button.

Case#1 – Submit Push button

We will implement it by calculation a uncomplicated push button. This submit push button is used to click and submit the entire course.

Stride 1: From the toolbox, Drag the button control onto the Web Grade as shown below in the highlighted snippet.

Drag the button control

Step 2: After dragging the button, it will be added.  at present we demand to become to the backdrop window by clicking on the push control. Change its text property of the control push button to the submit. Also, change its ID Holding to 'btnSubmit'.

Change its text property

Step three: one time all the above changes have been done. we will see the below output. We can see the Submit push now at the end of the grade. so now the button has been added.

Change its text property

Example#2 – Image Button

Step one: Create a new web application by opening it in visual studio.

Step two: Drag and drib the image button on the web folio from the toolbox as shown in the case of the push in the above department.

Footstep 3: Now nosotros demand to Set ImageUrl holding of ImageButton control for the display image on control.

Step four: After that, we demand to set PostBackUrl Holding to its destination web page name so that it volition redirect to another page.

Footstep 5: For writing the code on image button command, we need to become to the CLICK Events of Imagebutton command.

Example#three –  Link Button

Below is the code for LinkButton.aspx:


              <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="truthful" CodeBehind="WebControls.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebFormsControlls.WebControls" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </caput> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <p>Button is in hyperlink mode<p> <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnClick="LinkButton1_Click">learning with EduCba </asp:LinkButton> </div> </form> <br /> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server"></asp:Label> </body> </html>            

Inline Code:It refers to the code which is written inside an ASP.NET spider web page which will have an extension of .aspx. information technology will permit the code to exist written along with HTML source code using <Script> tag. Its deployment with the webform folio whenever the spider web page is deployed. Specially its physically in the .aspx file.

Code Backside:

              using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Organisation.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace WebFormsControlls { public partial course LinkButtonDemo: System.Web.UI.Page { protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Label1.Text = "Welcome to the EDUCba online trainings"; } } }            

Explanation to the above program: Here, to handle the click event of LinkButton1, nosotros have another file which has extension equally aspx.cs. Whatsoever code write in this course is called a code-backside. This code gets compiled and gives the output as a .aspx file. For each of .aspx pages, we can have split code in either in .cs of .vb format since all web pages get compiled to a DLL. This allows webpages to get hosted without whatever inline server code.then let'south see the output for the above code written.


It will display the text with the link "Learning with EduCba".

Learning with EduCba

The message "Welcome to the EDUCba training" volition exist shown as the link button is clicked.

Welcome to the EDUCba training


And so far we have learned about buttons and how information technology works with the help of an example. we likewise have a piece of cognition about how information technology works and its syntax. we can say that it is used to permit the user to click on a button that will get-go the processing of the form. Also, these web server controls are used in data controls.

Recommended Articles

This is a guide to Button in ASP.NET. Here nosotros discuss the introduction to Button in ASP.NET, how the button works along with appropriate syntax and respective examples. You tin can also go through our other related articles to acquire more –

  1. Career in ASP.NET
  2. ASP.NET Server Controls
  3. ASP.NET Paradigm

How To Hide The Button Control In Classic Asp,


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