
Eft Ultra Medical Storage Key

Posted by 2 years agone


Should I continue the ULTRA medical storage key ?

I just constitute this cardinal on a scav and I don't know if I should sell information technology for 5-6 mil or if i should get and boodle the room all day. I saw that there can spawn a LEDX..

What do you think guys ?

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level one

Sell for 6 mil. Buy it for when it's i.2mil.

level two

Exactly. No point in keeping these kinda keys rn imo. You lot'll have a much ameliorate chance at making information technology worth the buy when you purchase information technology at 1m than at 6. Information technology implies that you'll find VERY expert items everytime which is rarely the example. I would sell imo

level ii

To add to this point, you're much better off selling it and buying a full prepare of shoreline keys to subcontract a ledx plus yous'll notwithstanding have a couple mil left over

level one

I would sell it but that is becaues i don't like interchange.

If yous see yourself playing interchange oft i would continue it if not sell information technology.

Having the key will eventualy earn yous 5-six mil and more if yous play interchange often if you don't it will not.

I had this key final wipe and opened the room mayhap ~eight times while doing shooter born in heaven. Constitute 1 ledx. I died with information technology in may safepouch so i did not take the option to sell information technology.

level one

if u didnt employ it however, or sold information technology already. sell it... you need to do ALOT of raids to get a ledx (if youre not lucky)... there are better keys you can gather/purchase to go a ledx

level 2

I'm pretty sure this is the best ledx key atm, y'all find one like 20-xxx% of the time, I'd say on-par with tape fundamental but tape key doesn't have defib spawns and less ophthalmoscopes

level i

Keep it for Led-10's > become farm the ledx's needed for thicc item example quest > make xx-25 million rubbles after selling the example

level 2

do you lot get the THICC case FIR?

level two

Practice you have the central? Because I don't know if the chance to find a LEDX is that loftier.

level 1

Sell now buy dorsum afterward if you lot don't chief interchange

level one

Sell it. I bought mine on day 1 of wipe and got perhaps ten-15m out of it. Granted that 10-15m is split between three other people of my squad using when I'one thousand offline.

level ane

DON'T SELL It! i take this central and in ane run i made my moneies worth. Found a LEDX and an opthalmoscope along with a grizzly and other items. Did 3 more runs after and got an opthalmoscope and other healing items. You tin make so much coin from this key early wipe. As you'll end upward seeing more than people have this fundamental mid to belatedly wipe.

level 1

On what map was that? Because I spawned as a scav with one today and got virtually immediately blasted because scav spawn is stupid and to early (it was 43.00 in the raid)

level one

Don't sell information technology. Non many people have it right at present, so odds are even if the tech stores are looted, you may be able to get the med loot uncontested. It may get cheaper later on in the wipe, but you'll make your money back if you use it.

I just bought the key four days ago and accept gotten six ledx'south and so far.

level two

Practice you had the fundamental this wipe?


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